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i couldnt find the qutoes number 3 2 and 1 but the rest of them are hilarous
Joseph Adam Jonas was born on August 15, 1989 in Casa Grande, Arizona, USA.
Joe originally wanted to be a comedian. He actually wanted to be on the show All That.
Now, after discovering he could sing, he is all about music. Joe is in a band called the Jonas Brothers
with his two brothers Kevin and Nick. He has always loved music especially rock.
He is also known for his random sayings("always cut the blue wire" "o crap" "happy honza quanza ziggyziggyzam"...etc.) and crazy dance moves.
Joe's parents and brothers are his heroes.
Joe was born on a Tuesday.
Joe's favorite website is youtube.com.
Joe once swore that he would never sing.
One of his close friends, Maya, was in the "Burnin' Up" music video.
Joe has an iPhone that glows blue.
One of Joe's ringtones is "Just Want You To Know" by the Backstreet Boys.
Joe loves Microwave Peeps.
While filming Camp Rock, Joe and Demi were walking in the woods, and they got five inches away from a deer.
While filming Camp Rock, Joe learned how to do the splits during his downtime.
Joe's favorite song off the album A Little Bit Longer is "Pushing Me Away."
Joe drinks tea right before he hits the stage.
Joe says that if he were in charge of Camp Rock he would make a 100 foot waterslide.
Joe says that the best lesson his mom ever taught him was manners at the table.
Joe didn't have his first kiss until he was 16.
When Joe was filming Camp Rock, he said his most embarrassing moment was when he was punched in the stomach and farted.
When Joe was younger, he and his brothers used to eat quarters. He claims to have eaten $1.25 once.
Joe shares a bedroom with his older brother Kevin.
On January 5th, 2008, Joe was rushed to the hospital when he tripped on a grate backstage at an Atlantic City concert. He received a few stitches for his head injury. The reason for his injury was because he and his brothers were making a youtube video.
Joe sleeps on a king-size bed.
Joe's toothbrush color is blue.
Joe thinks Miley Cyrus needs a straightjacket.
Joe likes pro-wrestling.
When Joe was younger, he never wanted to sing.
Joe attended Eastern Christian High School in North Haledon, New Jersey.
Joe loves the song "Crank That" by Soulja Boy.
If Joe ever went to college, his father said that he would most likely major in theater arts.
Joe's first big purchase were Nike Dunks.
The first book Joe ever read was Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman.
Onions make Joe cry.
Joe said that the best thing about school was his desk.
Joe's favorite historical era was the 1980s.
Joe's favorite science subject in school was Physics.
The first theme park that Joe ever visited was a Six Flags in Texas.
He owns 5 guitars.
Joe's favorite designer is LaCoste's.
Joe's favorite author is Dr. Seuss.
Joe's best friends are Mandy Vandamye and a girl named Amelia.
Joe's favorite subject in school was Social Studies.
Joe's first trip out of the country was to Mexico.
The first movie Joe saw at the theatre was Homeward Bound.
The first thing that Joe reaches for his refrigerator is water.
Joe weighs 140 pounds.
When Joe was younger, he once got his head stuck in his tambourine.
Joe is a big fan of Penn State University college football.
Joe's first job as a kid was shoveling snow.
Joe's most ridiculous New Year's resolution is to talk to animals.
Joe's most ticklish spot is his neck.
The first album Joe ever bought was a Britney Spears CD.
Joe's favorite kind of car is a Mercedes.
He's had dreams about being chased by a girlfrog and also being followed everywhere by Avri Lavigne.
His favorite Halloween costume is a cowboy.
Joe likes potato chips in his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Joe's good luck charm is his friends.
He says if he could live in any other past era, it would be in the 60's or 70's.
Joe says if he could interview any celebrity, it would be Natalie Portman.
According to his mom (Denise), Joe would do things "like getting his head stuck in between bars of a railing." and it would "take firemen to get him out".
His name, Joseph, means "He will enlarge" and is of Hebrew origin.
His middle name, Adam, means "Man" or "earth" and is of Hebrew origin also.
Joe wants to design a disco ball helmet.
Joe sometimes wears glasses because he is nearsighted.
If Joe were president for a day, he said that he would make cotton candy trees.
As of 2007, he lives in Hollywood, California. He used to live in Wyckoff, New Jersey.
He doesn't like when a girl asks him out. He prefers to make the moves.
Joe's favorite vacation spots are the Bahamas and Jamaica.
Joe would one day like to travel to the moon.
If he could take two people, dead or alive, on a cross-country road trip, Joe would take Chris Farley and Jesus Christ.
Joe's favorite after school snack is a power bar.
He would like to perform with U2, The Police, Will Smith and Rascal Flatts.
Joe's trademark is headbands.
He was very excited when his younger brother Frankie was born. The first night home from the hospital, Joe woke up to help his mother with feeding and diaper changing.
If Joe's house was ever on fire, he said that he would probably try to save his guitar.
Joe said that he relates to Baloo from the movie The Jungle Book the most because he can give big bear hugs.
He has red starry socks he wears for luck.
His "choppy locks" hairstyle is inspired by Japanime cartoons.
When Joe doesn't know how to win a girl's heart, he turns to his older brother Kevin for advice.
For Halloween one year, Joe dressed up as a cowboy riding a bull.
Joe use to collect pens and G.I. Joe action figures when he was younger.
Joe has been home schooled since 7th grade.
According to his mom, Joe was quiet as a child.
He likes girls that wear leggings.
Joe is of Italian descent.
Joe's favorite tie is his zebra-striped tie.
His nicknames are JJ and Danger
Joe loves Rihanna's song "Umbrella."
His favorite show when he was a kid was Barney.
Joe's favorite power ranger is the pink ranger.
Joe owns an iPhone.
Joe's biggest pet peeve is when he asks a girl out to dinner and they say they already ate.
Joe loves to eat any type of exotic food.
He was born on his parents' 4th wedding anniversary.
Joe likes shiny things.
Joe's celebrity crushes are Emma Watson, Jessica Alba, Katharine McPhee and Natalie Portman.
He writes with his right hand.
Joe's role model is his father.
Joe's favorite songs from the album Jonas Brothers is "Still in Love With You" and "Australia."
Joe's favorite cereals are Trix and Corn Pops.
Joe's favorite brand of gum is Orbitz. His favorite flavor is original bubblegum.
Joe would like to record a song with the band the Police.
He is a big fan of the High School Musical movies. His fvorite character is Chad, who is played by Corbin Bleu.
Joe was in three broadway productions called La Bohème, The Velveteen Rabbit, and Oliver.
Joe's favorite song from the album Its About Time is "I Am What I Am."
The best present that Joe ever got from a fan was a hippo.
If Joe could pick anyone in the world to play him in a movie about his life, he would want Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow to play him.
Joe had a dog named Cocco when he was younger. It passed away while they were on the Best of Both Worlds Tour in 2007.
His favorite ice cream place is Pinkberry.
Joe's favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time.
His favorite pizza topping is BBQ chicken.
Joe's favorite junk food snacks are mint and creme oreos.
He has three brothers named Kevin, Nick and Frankie.
Joe's favorite animals are a monkey and a kangaroo.
Joe's favorite Baby Bottle Pop flavor is strawberry.
His favorite musician is Freddie Mercury.
Joe prefers tea over coffee.
Joe's favorite cartoon character is Rocko from Rocko's Modern Life.
Joe's favorite ice cream topping is hot fudge.
If Joe were to leave the music world today ad get a new profession, he would want to be the guy that sells ice cream cones at Disney World or be a movie star.
Joe's major influences in music are Johnny Lang, The Strokes, The Hives and a band called Thirsty Merc.
He would like to perform at The Hollywood Bowl and at Giants Stadium.
Joe would like to tour in England, Australia and Asia.
His favorite fast food place is In N Out Burger. He is not a big fan of McDonalds.
Joe's favorite word is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
If Joe could be any animal in the world, he'd be a fierce lion.
If Joe could trade in his brothers for any other celebrities, he'd trade Kevin for Shakira and Nick for Beyonce.
Joe's horoscope sign is Leo.
Joe prefers texting a girl than calling her.
Joe is Christian.
Faith is very important throughout Joe's family.
Out of all the Jonas Brothers, Joe is the bigges ladies man.
Joe flirts with girls by giving them hugs and little nudges. And to let a girl know he likes them right away, he compliments her and smiles a lot.
His favorite board games are Monopoly and Connect 4.
His favorite holidays are Valentine's Day and Christmas.
Joe's not afraid to let a girl know that he likes her.
To be funny, when people ask about his purity ring he says that he's married!
Out of his brothers, he is the loudest, messiest, and the laziest.
He got his tambourine from Guitar Center.
His acoustic guitar is called the Black Pearl.
He once drove the tour bus and almost crashed it.
Joe has a white video iPod.
Joe's most prized possession is his hair.
He loves running, going swimming, and soccer.
He uses Right Guard and Old Spice deodorants.
He is easily scared.
Joe has a Razor(cellphone) and sidekick and his ringtone is That's How I Beat Shaq by Aaron Carter.
Joe uses Evada Control Paste in his hair.
Joe listens to Beethoven before going to bed sometimes.
Joe's Chinese Horoscope sign is a snake.
On YouTube, Joe sometimes poses as DJ Danger.
Like his brothers Nick and Kevin, Joe wears a purity ring.
The Jonas Brothers' song "Mandy" is actually about a ex-girlfriend and best friend of Joe.
His favorite song is “Only Hope” by Switchfoot.
Joe's favorite foods are chicken cutlet sandwich with mayonnaise, snow cones and his grandma's homemade pizza.
His favorite TV shows are Boy Meets World, Heroes, Lost, Friends and Most Extreme Challenge.
Before being in the Jonas Brothers, he was back up vocalists with Kevin.
His favorite drinks are orange Gatorade, Red Bull, chocolate milk and water.
Along with his brothers, Joe had been part of the church choir.
He and the rest of the Jonas Brothers are spokespeople for Baby Bottle Pops.
His favorite actors are Jim Carrey and Johnny Depp.
Some of his favorite bands are Switchfoot, Daft Punk, A-Ha and Copeland. He also loves the band Team Hilario.
His favorite actress is Natalie Portman.
According to his brothers, Joe takes forever in the shower and takes forever to get ready. Then he asks how he looks about four times.
His height is 5'9" tall. The same height as older brother Kevin Jonas.
Joe has black hair and hazel eyes.
Joe's favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate Marshmallow.
His favorite movies are The Holiday, Dumb and Dumber, Finding Neverland, School for Scoundrels, Transformers, Liar Liar and Four Feathers.
His favorite sports are wiffle ball, soccer, baseball, and tennis.
Joe once dated Amanda Michalka. They met while the Jonas Brothers were on tour with Aly and AJ. The reason for their breakup was because of the distance between them.
His mom's name is Denise Jonas and his dad's name is Paul Kevin Jonas Sr.
When Joe was younger, he was very attached to his Barney Bank. And once his mom decided to get rid of it so she gave it to her friend to throw away, but Joe caught her and was like, "Why do you have my Barney?"
Joe plays the keyboard, guitar, piano, drums and percussion (tambourine).
Some of Joe's hobbies include jogging, working out and making movies.
Joe's favorite colors are blue and purple.
Joe is in a band called the Jonas Brother with two of his brothers.
Joe's bad habit is biting his nails.
His favorite candies are Twix, Godiva chocolate and Tootsie Rolls.